Японы эх хүүхдийн №1 брэнд болох Pigeon болон Goo.N Брэнд нь 16 ДАХЬ УДААГИЙН ЭХ, ХҮҮХДЭД ЭЭЛТЭЙ ИМЖ ЭХ АСАРГААНЫ ӨРӨӨГ АМГАЛАН АМАРЖИХ ЭМНЭЛЭГТ тохижуулан өглөө.
Abico LLC handed in our 12th ward furnished and renovated to Urgoo, a specialized maternity hospital.
Since 2021, this eco-label has been placed on the packaging of Pigeon brand recyclable products.
Antioxidants serve as only essential elements that counteract the harmful effects of free radicals, effectively protecting the cells of the human body. Much like how food products progressively oxidize and spoil when exposed to oxygen over time, a similar process happens within our bodies, resulting in cell damage and the aging process.