Dear customer, we express our gratitude for considering a partnership with us as a contractual customer for the sale of leading and distinguished Japanese brands including Pigeon, Kagome, GooN, S&B, Elis, PIP, Dydo, Fundokin and Shikien, Sanytol, Ideal, Giorgi, Pigeon Teens which are officially imported to the Mongolian market by Abico LLC.
Supermarket - E. Tseenyam (Tel: 9985-0127)
Pharmacy, Hospital - G. Bolor-Erdene (Tel: 9985-0266)
Мini market - O.Ulziitogtokh (Tel: 9985-0017)
Local, Wholesale - B. Amarjargal (Tel: 8584-4545)
You can also reach us by calling our phone number at 7575-5550 or through the chat feature on the official Facebook page of each brand to submit your request to become our contractual customer.